1:40 pm – 2:05 pm

New Agents in Microscopic Colitis

Session Objectives
Review of new information and medications for microscopic colitis/collagenous colitis.

Dr. Michael Gould, MD, FRCPC

William Osler Health System
Gastro Health Clinic

Dr. Michael Gould is the President and Medical Director of the Vaughan Endoscopy Clinic. He is President of TDDA, a specialty research company which participates in many GI clinical research trials. He is the Endoscopy Director at William Osler Health System.

Dr. Gould is a former Chief of Medicine of the William Osler Health System. He is a Past President and a founding member of the Ontario Association of Gastroenterology, and currently sits on the Past Presidents’ Council.  He is a board member of Beit Halochem Canada. He was the CCO Endoscopy Lead from 2011- 2014 and helped design the Endoscopy QBP.

He has been a member of numerous colon screening guideline and quality committees at both the provincial and national levels.